Thursday, February 4, 2010


FarmVille is one of the hottest online game,its an application on Facebooks which allow you to build your own virtual farm.But because of the many fanatics of this game,there are several illegal tricks that have been used to level up faster than the normal procedure.But you have to take the risk.

I been playing FarmVille for almost a month,at first I was bored due to slow moving of my level and my cash.So I have to do something,so I can not be left behind by some of my neighbors. I do some research, searching to find a way to increase my cash and my level move higher.And now I would like to share to you some tips,tricks and strategies to help you in starting your virtual farm.

1.In order to speed up your plowing and harvesting is by boxing your farmers in.You can do it by building a barrier around your farmer by using hay bale, fence, panels, or anything that you can think can hold your farmer. you have to trap him in on the piece of plot he stand when you log on into your farm. When you do this, you can harvest, plow and sow much faster, you won't have to wait for your farmer to walk all the way around the farm.

2.Choose the right animals, crops, and tress. Not all Farm ville animals, crops and trees are profitable. Chicken, ducks, horses are effective moneymaker. Cows are too low for profits. In trees, Acai and Pomegranate are some generate good income.

3. Avoid planting crops or berries that will takes only short period of time before going to bed. Otherwise they will wither by the time you wake up.

4. Use Farm equipment wisely. Some vehicles helps you increase your production and allow you to do more on your farm. But you have to make an interval in using your mechanical equipment. Breaks between usage saves your fuel.

5. Being a good neighbor also gain experience points and help level up faster. Helping your neighbors in harvesting, raking leaves, or even doing good deeds, you will earned more experience points. Do regular visit to your neighbors and fertilizing there crops as much as you can.

These are only some of tips, tricks and strategies to help you to get started in FarmVille.

For more FarmVille tips and tricks go to FarmVille secrets.

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